Structural Concrete Overview
The American Concrete Institute defines structural concrete as:
“Plain or reinforced concrete in a member that is part of a structural system required to transfer gravity loads, lateral loads, or both, along a load path to the ground.”
-(ACI CT-13)
Structural Concrete Offerings
CementWright offers a variety of structural concrete services, including:
Concrete Foundations
- Structural slabs on grade
- tower & crane foundations
- pile caps
- anchor bolt setting
- grade beams
- conventional footings and walls.
- ICF construction including floors
Whole Structures
- Containment
- Lift Stations
- Suspended slabs
- Tanks
Architectural Concrete
- retaining walls
- stairs
- suspended slabs
- exposed concrete structures
- colouring & finishing concrete

Structural Concrete Reinforcement for the strength of a composite
Concrete is a composite material, made at its core from sand, gravel, cement, and usually a reinforcing component. In nearly all cases, reinforcement of structural concrete is done with rebar. Concrete alone is strong in compression, but low in tensile strength. Adding steel to concrete in the appropriate locations increases its tensile strength and makes it more versatile. Rebar needs to be placed correctly in concrete to allow it to provide its tensile strength in the correct locations. Proper steel placement is also important to limit exposure to corrosion. CementWright can perform rebar supply & installation on our own projects to help control quality.
Base Prep for structural concrete
With few exceptions (some floating slabs), most structural concrete relies on correctly compacted subgrade as part of the load carrying system. Concrete can distribute a load well, but it is ultimately only as strong as what it can transfer the load to. If the grade work is done improperly, the structure shifts over time. CementWright employs reputable testing companies and appropriately sized compaction equipment to ensure that gradework is done correctly. We can work with you to design this along with the foundation if desired.
Concrete for Structures
Concrete strength is clearly important to control for this sort of construction. Ensuring the concrete is designed and mixed correctly, avoiding excess water during placement, controlling curing temperature and ensuring sufficient water for curing all are necessary to this. Structural concrete will typically carry minimum spec’s necessary to meet the design intention of the project and might include designations such as type HS or HSE for sulphate resistance. The concrete placer and supplier both work to meet this. Our suppliers ensure minimum strength spec, air content, water/cement ratio, temperature, and other process variables are controlled within the project spec. CementWright ensures that the concrete is correctly placed and consolidated, that concrete is placed fresh, and that the integrity of the mix is protected. We religiously use additives such as super plasticizer to increase slump instead of water. We have good relationships with and use reputable concrete suppliers, and can provide concrete testing to ensure quality.
Details matter
CementWright is developing a reputation for our detail orientation and accuracy. We will perform close tolerance work such as tower and crane foundations, where precision and accuracy is paramount. We use different form systems and form liners to create options for architectural concrete, including vertically stamped surfaces. We provide heating and hoarding for cold weather concrete placement, and will use curing membranes or other systems to ensure our structural concrete reaches optimum available strength.
Look through our offerings to learn what we can do. Send us a contact form or call us with details or questions about your project, and we’ll do our best to help.