Architectural Concrete Construction
Architectural concrete is structural concrete that is exposed as the final finished surface- it is decorative concrete that serves a structural function. The duality of concrete as structure and finish allows versatility and elegance in design that few other materials can match. CementWright’s understanding of structural concrete construction combined with our attention to detail and skill in the final finish makes us a good fit for architectural projects. As with other scopes, we can accept the whole concrete project, or contract for the relevant portions needed for your project.
Concrete Design Options
Concrete as architecture is prevalent in our society. Bridges often use concrete architecturally, as do concrete retaining walls, stairs, and many modern buildings. An architectural suspended slab can serve as both structure and finish of the ceiling of the space below and the floor above. A concrete retaining wall might be acid stained, curved, stepped, or textured for visual interest in addition to providing its structural function of holding back earth. Concrete stairs can be curved, spiraled, suspended, and coloured, for further design options to suit the project.

Concrete Finishing for Architectural use
Treatments such as acid staining, dying, concrete grinding, and polishing increase concrete design options in such systems. Concrete texture can be varied through use of different forming systems, form liners, finishing techniques, and after treatments such as sandblasting. Coloured compound can be used to sackrub (the technical term) and patch formed faces to give unique finishes. Faux stone, wood, exposed aggregate, and other textures are available through combinations of the above. Technical cements and concrete compositions, such as GFRC, provide design characteristics such as narrow aspect ratios, high durability concrete for exterior use, and decreased or increased permeability for different exterior and interior applications.
Construction of Architectural Concrete structures

Competent concrete formwork, reinforcing steel installation, and concrete placement is especially crucial for architectural concrete. The concrete exterior is final finish, so surface defects, though maybe not structural, will be more troublesome. Rebar too close to the surface can cause popouts over time as rebar corrodes; poor concrete mix can cause deterioration from ASR or AAR. It is CementWright ’s opinion that spending time to get these details right results in a lower lifecycle cost and better long term project. We work with the involved stakeholders to ensure this is done.
The available options for architectural concrete are limited mostly by imagination and budget. CementWright is skilled in finding ways to build unique designs, and can consult with you in the design phase to come up with elegant solutions within your parameters. Our artistic eye and technical skill brings a unique perspective to this sector. Contact us or call us with questions about design or details about your project.